Dogs can become picky eaters for a variety of reasons. They may be full from treats, spoiled by over-rich food, or distracted by environmental factors. Genetics can also play a role, as some breeds have smaller appetites.
If a dog’s appetite changes suddenly, it could be a sign of an illness and warrants a visit to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
1. Offer Smaller Meals
If your dog is being selective with their food, it can be frustrating for all involved. Luckily, most dogs who are picky eaters can be helped to overcome their fussiness by working with their veterinarian and following some simple tricks.
While picky eating is usually a symptom of an underlying health condition, it can also be due to stressors like moving to a new home or being in an unfamiliar environment. Ensuring that your pup feels safe and comfortable will help them open up to their mealtime.
For some dogs, a lack of enthusiasm around their food may simply be due to boredom or a dislike of how their food tastes or looks. Other dogs may develop an aversion to a specific type of food or even feel sick when they eat it.
A picky dog could also have dental problems or pain, which can make it difficult for them to eat. A trip to your vet should be the first step, especially if your dog’s behavior changes suddenly. Your vet will be able to rule out any serious causes of a poor appetite.
If your veterinarian has ruled out any medical reasons for your dog’s poor appetite, try adding some flavorful toppers to their food or using a puzzle feeder to encourage them to eat. Minimizing the amount of treats they receive is also helpful, as these can make them overly full and less interested in their regular food.
Table scraps are a big no-no for many pet parents, but they can cause some picky eaters to reject their own food in favor of what they think will be a better-tasting treat. When that happens, it can lead to stomach upset and other digestive issues, so it is always best to avoid them.
2. Give Your Dog a Quiet Place to Eat
While it’s certainly not ideal for your dog to be a picky eater, it isn’t always a serious issue. However, if your dog was once a ferocious wolfer but has recently developed some reluctance around mealtime, it’s probably time to take them to the veterinarian, especially if their appetite is associated with any other symptoms.
As you explore ways to address your dog’s changing eating habits, consider the quality and nutritional balance found in Wholesome Dog Food. If you find yourself wondering, “who makes wholesome dog food?” rest assured, it’s a brand known for its commitment to providing a nutritious and appealing diet for your furry companion. Wholesome Dog Food offers a range of options to cater to your dog’s specific needs, ensuring their mealtime experiences are not only enjoyable but also support their overall health.
If your dog’s pickiness is a new development, your vet can rule out any underlying medical problems. In addition, the veterinary exam can help you pinpoint what exactly is making your dog unenthused about their food — which may be as simple as the fact that they’re simply bored with it or have an aversion to the way it tastes or looks.
Dogs that were previously ferocious eaters can also become disinterested in their food over time if they’re given too many treats, table scraps, or a constantly changing diet. It’s important to stick with their regular food for as long as possible to give them a chance to get used to the taste and texture of it.
Some dogs who are deemed “picky” are actually just hyperaware of their environment during mealtime, which can cause them to avoid their food. If this is the case for your pup, try placing their food in a quiet spot away from other distractions. This could be their bed, a corner of the living room, or even a separate room with a closed door and no other animals present.
It’s also worth mentioning that if your dog tends to play with their food rather than eat it, this can be a sign of anxiety or stress. In these cases, it’s recommended to offer them a food-enriching toy like a puzzle feeder or a snuffle mat that allows them to eat while playing.
Finally, your veterinarian may recommend some nutritional supplements to help promote healthy eating and improve digestion if they’re struggling with their current diet. These can be purchased at a local pet store, but always consult with your veterinarian first to ensure they’re safe for your dog. You may also want to ask your vet about a natural anti-anxiety supplement for dogs that can help calm them down during dinnertime.
3. Minimize Treats
Having a picky eater is frustrating for pet parents, and it’s not enjoyable for the dog either. While some food-related pickiness is based on personality or environment, it’s also possible that there is an underlying health issue. Either way, it’s important to find a solution for the problem so that the dog can get the nutrients they need to thrive.
The first step is to rule out any health-related causes of pickiness. Once you’ve done this, it’s time to try some new tactics to encourage your dog to eat. Some of these strategies may be more difficult to implement than others, but they are all proven to work for many dog owners and can help turn a reluctant feeder into a healthy, happy eater.
Minimizing treats is a good place to start, as overfeeding your dog with treats can make them full and more likely to avoid their meals. Another great tip is to offer a meal, then remove it after 20-30 minutes. This can establish a routine and will teach your dog that when the food is offered, they should be hungry and ready to eat.
When you do give your dog treats, be sure to only do so during training or when they’re earned by exhibiting good behavior. Adding too many extras to your dog’s diet can make them feel like they need to earn their food, and this can lead to pickiness.
A quiet, distraction-free environment can also make a big difference in a picky eater’s attitude toward their food. Some dogs can be overwhelmed by their surroundings or the presence of more dominant pets, which can cause them to walk away from their meals.
If you’ve tried these tips for a week or more and your dog is still reluctant to eat, it may be time to contact your veterinarian. It’s important to address picky eating behaviors early, as it can indicate an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed. For many dogs, however, a little perseverance and some tough love can resolve even the most stubborn picky eaters.
4. Give Your Dog a Break
The environment where and when you feed your dog can play a major role in how hungry your dog feels at mealtime. This is especially true for dogs who are conditioned to eat only when their owners are present during feeding time or who are sensitive to their surroundings, such as being around other pets while eating. If your picky eater seems to be triggered by their environment, try placing their food in a quiet room and making sure that there are no other distractions at the table. You can also try using puzzle feeders or treat toys that make the act of eating more stimulating and rewarding. Some dogs find these types of toys irresistible, and the licking motion required to reach food in a difficult-to-get toy can help them overcome food boredom.
Another factor that can affect a dog’s appetite is the number and type of treats they get throughout the day. If your picky eater is prone to being full from treats or spoiled by too many table scraps, consider eliminating treats from their diet for a few days to encourage them to be more interested in dinner. Some owners also report that rotating through different foods can help them address pickiness by introducing a new flavor or texture to their pet’s diet.
A regular eating routine is also helpful for addressing picky habits. Feed your pet at the same time every day and use the same food bowl for each meal. One owner we spoke to found success by putting their dog’s food on the counter at a specific time, and then leaving it there until they come back to eat (removing the food whether or not they finish).
If your picky eater has always been this way, consult with your veterinarian to see if any underlying health issues might be contributing to their pickiness. On the other hand, if your dog has suddenly stopped wanting to eat their food, it’s important to address this quickly so that they don’t become malnourished. Fortunately, most dogs with picky eating habits can be trained to be more eager at mealtime with just a bit of patience and dedication on your part.